Final Decision-Making Considerations for Packaging Coding Systems

Throughout our various blog posts related to packaging coding systems, we’ve offered a numerous purchase tips and factors to consider relating to the wide range of models and systems available. All such considerations should be based on each businesses unique needs, wants and budget, so there is no “cookie cutter’ method of deciding which model to choose. However, there are key ways to narrow down the field and hone in on packaging coding systems that will meet all of your exacting objectives. Consider this final decision-making check-list that may help you reach a purchase conclusion with confidence:

  • Think about your company’s needs today and how they might change in the future. Will you have different coding requirements? Do you want to scale up your production volume? Will you be potentially introducing new packaging materials or sizes to your production line? With the ongoing trend and demand for variable content, you may have to change your production to include two-dimensional barcodes, for example. You will want to select a model that can serve your current needs but that can be scaled up in future years to avoid having to buy a whole new system as your company grows or makes operational changes.
  • Do your research and identify vendors that you can feel confident about – one that offers a varied and comprehensive line of packaging coding systems and coding technologies, and that has an extensive supply and support network. Spend time talking to each vendor as well as researching how others feel about the company, whether that includes asking directly for customer references or tracking down online forums or social media groups that can provide honest insights about each of the potential vendors.
  • Check into available warranties and service packages that may include technical support or spare parts to ensure you would be covered should anything go wrong. The last thing you want is to select a system that ends up leading to expensive and cost-prohibitive downtime.
  • Consider what you also must do within your own operating environment to ensure that the equipment you purchase goes the distance. This means establishing a best practices framework for preventative maintenance. Also allocating time training your team on how to properly operate and care for the systems will get you the greatest longevity and performance no matter what packaging coding system you end up choosing.  The easier the system to use and maintain, the less recurring effort and cost to be applied here. Often an overlooked consideration when making a purchase decision.

In Review Here are the main points from this blog post:

  • You must consider more than just knowing your specific printing and coding requirements for today; you need to think about the ongoing industry trends and what direction your business is headed in the near future to make sure you select equipment that scales with you.
  • Beyond knowing what models and systems are available, you have to research the vendors and ensure they share the same principles of service and support as well as are with you for the long haul.
  • Be sure to check warranties and packages that could help ensure longevity in the equipment you purchase to keep costs and downtime low.
  • You also must think about how you will establish a framework for maintaining the equipment once it is in your production environment. It can be the best equipment on the market but if you don’t take care of it through regular maintenance, it won’t be able to perform at the level it was made to do.


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