Five Reasons To Choose An Offline Coding System

If you are printing best-before or other fixed or variable information onto sleeves, pouches or cartons, an offline feed and coding system could be just what you need.

Griffin-Rutgers stand-alone offline coding systems offer you the flexibility to code a wide range of products on a single machine. Cartons, pouches or sleeves are fed into the offline coding system in a controlled manner, while in their flat form, at speeds up to 300 per minute. A code is applied using your choice of thermal ink jet, continuous ink jet, thermal transfer printer or even, in some applications, laser coding systems. A few simple adjustments make it easy to switch between different formats of items to be coded. Offline Coding System

Accurate code positioning: If you are coding onto cartons, pouches or sleeves, positioning can become an issue.  Online coding may struggle to code packages that are in awkward shapes, that have hard-to-reach print areas or have positional movement as they are being transported. Using an offline system, the packaging is presented to the coding device in that controlled manner with the print area readily accessible. This allows for more accurate code positioning, increasing line efficiency and waste reduction, while eliminating poorly printed packs.

Solutions for promotional labeling: With the addition of a label applicator, an offline coding system can carry out labeling and coding in one operation. This dual functionality is very useful when producing sleeves, which are used throughout the food and many other industries, or when running promotions.

Code short runs and trial products: An offline coding system is the ideal solution for short runs as the feed system for transporting of the product is a quick set up. For trial products it allows you to minimize capital outlay while ensuring new products are coded according to specific retailer and regulatory requirements without impacting other production.

Extra capacity when needed: When you are under pressure due to seasonal variations, getting more operators on the job may seem like the easiest way to increase capacity during seasonal peaks.  However, purchasing an offline coding system to handle the increased production is a much more cost effective solution based on the throughput speed, flexibility and accuracy of the equipment.

At Griffin-Rutgers we offer a full-line of printing, marking, barcoding, labeling, and print & apply labeling systems for your packaging needs. We will ensure that your packaging is identified with accuracy and clarity and help you understand the various ways you can reduce packaging identification cost and errors.


Posted in Carton Coders, Date Coding & Printing, Pharmaceutical Marking & Coding and tagged , , .