Candy comes in many forms, shapes and sizes but the common factor is that they all need to be packaged. The package, as it comes down the assembly line, needs to be identified – marked, coded or printed on – and candy is packaged in a variety of substrates.
Griffin-Rutgers: Food Labeling
Griffin Rutgers has the printing solution to solve your food labeling needs.
Labels On Vegan Or Plant-Based Products
Consumers are becoming more savvy with regards to their food choices and many are turning to vegan, or plant-based alternatives. While it may seem these terms are interchangeable, as they both exclude animal products, they are not necessarily viewed the same way, says the Plant Based Foods Association (PBFA). Labels on vegan or plant-based products […]
Creating Authentic Food Labeling
According to a study conducted by OnePoll, 75% of those who responded, noted that if the term ‘organic’ was used on the label or in the marketing campaign, they were more likely to make a purchase of said item. Nearly 60% were attracted to any given item if it was labeled ‘all natural’. The survey also found that roughly 20% of the respondents have full trust in organic food labels, with less than 60% having only partial trust.
‘Free From’ Labeling
It is estimated that 2 percent of adults and about 5 percent of infants and young children in the U.S. suffer from food allergies. Approximately 30,000 consumers require emergency room treatment and 150 Americans die each year because of allergic reactions to food. As a result, the FDA enacted the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) in 2004.
Marking And Coding Solutions For Food Packaging
The US Grocery Manufacturers Association estimates that recalls cost companies over $10 million. In addition to the financial burden, recalls for defective products can also be harmful to the health of the consumer, and ultimately damage the reputation of a product and company.
On-Brand Packaging
Almost everything we eat, wear, or use comes in some sort of packaging. The package is a way to get information about your product to the consumer, but in reality, marketing places a large role in how your product is perceived. On-brand packaging creates the first impression on the potential buyer, and it’s important that […]
Food Traceability
The global food supply chain has evolved as companies seek to enhance their capabilities to feed the world’s growing population. As the importance of food traceability continues to grow, you can depend on Griffin-Rutgers to provide labelers and coders to meet the demand.
Egg Coding With Thermal Inkjet Printers
Food safety is paramount for egg producers. The ability to effectively communicate traceability data and important information helps ensure producers are in compliance with safety regulations.
Eight Reasons Food Manufacturers Choose Thermal Inkjet
Within the past year Griffin-Rutgers has noticed a dramatic rise in thermal inkjet coders over continuous inkjet (CIJ) within the food packaging industry for the variable information coding of its packaging. This is a result of the fact that thermal inkjet technology has seen huge advances in the recent years. In the past, the knock […]
New USDA Packaging Guidelines
2018 was to bring new regulatory packaging rules from the FDA. The new, easier-to-read nutrition labels were to be seen in supermarkets across the country this summer. However, the Food and Drug Administration has pushed that back until 2020. Shortly after the news broke, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) announced a new proposed […]
Printing and Coding Salty Snack Packages
Impulse purchases of consumers are what causes snack companies to be in heavy competition, and capturing sales means making the most of their brands. Before that bag of chips ever gets to the shelf, and entire team of brand marketers are working to maximize the packaging artwork for marketing and promotional purposes. The last thing […]
Food Packaging Trends in 2018
Food packaging developments, sustainability and packaging design trends lead as top issues so far this year in this ever-growing business. Griffin-Rutgers offers coding and printing equipment to deliver high-quality coding for your food packaging needs. Here’s a look at the current food packaging trends in 2018.
Stricter Package Labeling Being Required By The FDA
The food and medical industry seem to change and grow daily. With that, comes stricter package labeling being required by the FDA. It’s important that your packaging meets the demands of the ever-changing industry and its regulations. At Griffin-Rutgers, we have a solution to meet your labeling requirements.
Organic Baby Food Packaging
Not only is organic baby food evolving, but, the packaging of said products continues to change with market demands. Gone are the days when mothers and fathers just grab a jar of baby food for their youngster without any question to the ingredients or packaging. The top four emerging trends driving the global baby food […]
GMO Labeling Requirements to Change
An argument over the need to identify food products that include genetically modified ingredients (GMI or GMO) has been ongoing for years as such products so modified have been entering our food supply over the last two decades. Yet, it may still come as a surprise to many consumers that a great number of products […]
Prepared, Prepackaged Meal Printing Issues
In recent years, pre-packaged meals have received bad press for those who are seeking a healthier lifestyle and who are turning their attention toward off-the-shelf choices. Manufacturers understand this and have been making their foods with more healthful ingredients, lower sodium, fewer preservatives and in increasingly smaller packaging. The reason these meals remain popular is […]
3 Tips for Food Labeling on Plastic Bags
Food labeling involves taking into account many specific U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-driven rules and regulations to ensure accurate and complete information is presented to the consumer when making a purchase decision. With a glut of food recalls or incidences of food production-related illness and death in recent years, food labeling is a serious matter that’s central to a food manufacturing strategy.
Mini Panel Labeling Advantages
The Mini-Panel labeling system is one of those technologies that continues to evolve. It currently offers the flexibility of using one or two labeling heads and can be used offline (semi-automatically) or can be integrated into a production line (fully automated). Many manufacturers might consider a mini labeling system to be an “entry level” device, […]
Choosing the Correct Printer for Food Labeling
Food manufacturers know the importance of properly labeling food packages to meet FDA regulations. When it comes to printing on packages such as chip bags, cookie boxes or other oddly shaped or unique materials, it’s crucial to have a printer that will feed the packaging into the device and allow it to print cleanly and […]
Understanding Food Labeling
Pick up any food item in the supermarket and you’ll find coding on the package designed to help the consumer, store owner and packager alike. You may notice a sell-by, best-if-used-by, use-by and pack dates but how do they get there and what do they really mean? First, let’s examine some of the different codes and what […]
The Benefits Of A SATO M5900RVe Printer
Different printers for different tasks sounds simple enough and there are many considerations when it comes to printing. The task of determining the right printer for your needs is based on the work environment, required print speed, the medium onto which you are printing and much more. The SATO M5900RVe is a printer that is […]
How Traceable Are Your Meal Sleeves?
Prepared foods sometimes get a bad rap, but for the busy family or professional, ready to eat meals and prepared foods can certainly be a viable and healthy option. The market has continued to grow steadily, in part because of consumer demand. Food packagers that produce these meals in high volume find that an automated […]
Available Solutions For Printing on Food Packaging Components
When choosing a printer that will be used for printing on food packages for the food industry, at times it can be more efficient to look for a method that incorporates a feeding system allowing for the packaging to be coded or labeled prior to being introduced to the packaging line. In the search for […]
3 Tips for Food Labeling on Glass Jars
When it comes to food labeling on glass jars, there are stringent requirements as to what must be included and how the information should be presented. Here are some tips that can provide a framework for optimizing food labeling strategies for those items that are packaged in glass jars. These guidelines are based around the regulatory framework of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Federal Trade Commission.
Food Labeling on Fruit: 5 Things to Consider
Even natural, perishable foods need to undertake rigorous food labeling when it is sold to consumers through grocery stores, markets, and other retail operations. Even if is obvious that the ingredient is a banana or an apple, there are some things to consider when it comes to food labeling on fruit.
What Must Be On A Food Label?
When it comes to the food industry relative to what must be on a food label, there are very specific guidelines that dictate decisions concerning food packaging and label design and production. The foremost entity that determines what must be on a food label is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as they are the governing body that enacts and enforces such decisions.