Whether you’re a first year start-up, a larger company that has only a small need for high resolution printing or a company that has a large need for high resolution printing there’s a good chance you’re looking for a low-cost way to code your packages. But, of course, you still want to look professional in […]
Griffin-Rutgers: Label Coders
Foenix Coding Printers: What Makes Them Different?
Foenix Printer Features The market is flooded with various models of ink jet printers across a wide range of technologies, brand names and ink types, which can make it challenging to discern what printer is the best for which application and environment. Many in the industrial and commercial marketplace are loyal to Foenix Coding Printers, […]
On-Brand Packaging
Almost everything we eat, wear, or use comes in some sort of packaging. The package is a way to get information about your product to the consumer, but in reality, marketing places a large role in how your product is perceived. On-brand packaging creates the first impression on the potential buyer, and it’s important that […]
Debunking five myths of Thermal Inkjet (TIJ) printing
Over the past decade, designers of TIJ (Thermal inkjet) printers have worked tirelessly to address the limiting factors of the technology. The latest generation of TIJ printers will outperform CIJ (continuous inkjet) in terms of cost of ownership and print quality in most coding applications. Despite the discernible shift to TIJ, there’s still some outdated […]
Printing Codes on Prescription Drug Packages
It seems impossible, but the use of printed codes on packaging continues to increase. They seem to be everywhere, on everything. Now, you can add prescription drug anti-counterfeiting measures to the list. With more requirements being set, manufacturers must ensure that they are printing codes on prescription drug packages to meet the more stringent standards.
Organic Baby Food Packaging
Not only is organic baby food evolving, but, the packaging of said products continues to change with market demands. Gone are the days when mothers and fathers just grab a jar of baby food for their youngster without any question to the ingredients or packaging. The top four emerging trends driving the global baby food […]
Bottom Labeling Systems Are Different!
This article possibly should be titled, “Getting to the bottom of your product is a challenge.” It’s overly simplified to say the bottom of something is the bottom because it’s standing on that surface, but that’s exactly the problem – access. Bottom labeling, or coding, requires clear access to the bottom. That’s it. Systems for […]
Labeling and Coding Nuances For The Pharmaceutical Industry
By the time you purchase medicine at the pharmacy, it has gone through a rigorous amount of quality control for both the medicine and its packaging. Manufacturers, when using the proper pharmaceutical coding, labeling and packaging technology can track individual lots of medications throughout the supply chain from point of origin to point of sale. […]
The Unique Uses Of Top Labeling Systems
Manufacturing companies that need to print labels on their products need to first determine whether they need to print on the top or the bottom of the product or need a wrap-around system. As the professionals at Griffin-Rutgers explain there are automatic labeling systems to address each print type. Griffin-Rutgers carries a complete line of […]
Top Trends in Package Printing And Labeling
Labeling is big business! That comes as no surprise to the consumer as there are very few items one purchases that don’t come in some sort of a package and those packages are replete with logos and identifying brand colors as well as bar codes, ingredients, lot numbers, and expiration dates. While the consumer doesn’t […]
What Is a “Three Roller Indexing Labeling System”?
Re-Pack three roller indexing labeling systems are those designed to “orient a cylindrically shaped item and apply a wrap-around label.” In this labeling process, the label application is accurately aligned to a specific spot on the individual product item. This unique labeling process can be accomplished with a fully automated, in-line system or as an […]
The Benefits of an Indexing Starwheel Labeling System
The Indexing Starwheel Labeling system manufactured by Re-Pack is one that is designed to easily integrate with an existing conveyor line system. An indexing system such as this is normally used when a label needs to be placed on the bottom of a container after the filling and capping stations. Containers such as jars, tubes, […]
3 Tips for Food Labeling on Plastic Bags
Food labeling involves taking into account many specific U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-driven rules and regulations to ensure accurate and complete information is presented to the consumer when making a purchase decision. With a glut of food recalls or incidences of food production-related illness and death in recent years, food labeling is a serious matter that’s central to a food manufacturing strategy.
The Benefits Of Printing Your Own Labels
To order labels or to print labels is a question that many business owners wrestle with, especially when they’re first starting out. For many businesses the answer ends up being, “it’s better, less expensive and faster” to print their own labels. Why should you print your own? The printing professionals from Griffin-Rutgers offer these reasons […]
Mini Panel Labeling Advantages
The Mini-Panel labeling system is one of those technologies that continues to evolve. It currently offers the flexibility of using one or two labeling heads and can be used offline (semi-automatically) or can be integrated into a production line (fully automated). Many manufacturers might consider a mini labeling system to be an “entry level” device, […]
Labeling Square & Rectangular Containers
Square and rectangle containers are the norm in many retail, pharmaceutical and manufacturing settings and because of that, product labelers have been specifically designed for these packages. As such, products with three and four panel label applications on square and rectangular containers have become more common. Re-Pack Inc. has designed a line of labeling systems […]
Label Applicator applying two side by side labels, at the same time.
The Series 3 Labeling Applicator can handle labels up to 4.1” wide. In this video the system is applying two smaller round labels, that fit within that 4.1” maximum web width, simultaneously to a flat product.
High Speed Top & Bottom Labeling System
This video shows two high speeds Series 4 labeling applicators applying labels to the top and bottom of a single passing item. In this case the top label is a clear hang tab that can be seen at the end of the video. The square bottom label is applied through the small space between the […]
High Speed Servo Motor Driven Beverage Labeling System
In this video the Series 4 High Speed Beverage Labeling System is applying labels to round beverage containers at high throughput rates. The accuracy of the container handling is insured through the use of a timing screw. This timing screw insures the high speed location of the container in relation to the labeling head for […]
3 Panel Carton Labeling Using Innovative Hugger Belt Transport
Items that don’t stand easily and reliably can often require unique methods of transport for label application. A pair of opposing hugger belts can solve many such problems. A narrow box of playing cards is gently held by the side hugger belts while a single label is applied to the front panel and then is […]
Print Apply Labeler Applying A Single Label To Cartons On The Side And Trailing Panels
The Series 6 integrated OEM print engine prints the complete label just prior to application. One half of the label is initially applied to the side panel of the passing carton. As a secondary process the remainder of the label is then wipe applied to the trailing panel of the carton. Two panel carton identification […]
Labeling System Printing And Applying Very Small Labels To Very Small Parts
This video shows the creativity of our Series 6 labeling engineers in designing a system to print a very small label and apply it to a very small part. This need was made even more difficult as the label orientation during printing did not match the orientation of the part and, thus, the label had […]
Print And Apply A Label To A Carton Without Ever Touching The Carton
Applying labels to cartons that are moving at high speed along a packaging line by contacting the carton can create problems for the alignment of the carton and also for the equipment applying the label. The safest way to apply a printed label in this type of situation is to NEVER touch the carton but […]
Print & Apply A Label To The Top And Trailing Panels Of A Moving Carton
This short video shows the print and application of a label to the top and trailing panels of a carton by wrapping it around the top-trailing corner of the carton.
Print & Apply Labels To The Front And Top – Panels Of A Moving Carton
Labels can be printed right on-line and applied to cartons on any surface of the carton while it is in motion. This video demonstrates an application method that applies the two panel label to the front and top panels of the moving carton. The label is wrapped around the desired corner of the carton to […]
Basic Print & Tamp Application of A Top Panel Label
This video shows the Re-Pack Series 6 Print & Apply Labeling System in a basic top mounted print & apply installation. The label is fully printed immediately prior to being applied. The applicator vacuum tamp pads can be custom sized to fit almost any label size need. Labeler installation can be from the top, bottom, […]
Carton Labeling – Identification On All Four Sides
A specific customer request led to the development of this four side labeling system. Two corner wrap labels, one leading edge label and one trailing edge label, are printed and applied as part of a single fully integrated labeling process. The finished carton can be visually identified from any side view no matter how it […]
Three Panel Labelers and Three Panel Print & Apply Labelers for All Products & Containers
Three panel label applications on square and rectangular cases have become common place and we offer a line of labeling machines specifically for these applications. We even have a machine that can quickly be changed over from 3 panel to single panel or wrap label application. Labeling applicators are great for boxes and cartons, round […]
Labeling Machinery for Tapered Containers from Griffin-Rutgers
This label applicator is designed to wrap labels around tapered containers. The application requires that a “Banana cut” style label is used to match the taper of the container. We have overcome the label skew issue by partially pre-dispensing the label and finishing the application at the wrap station.
Re-Pack Accutrak Labeling System To Apply Clear Tamper Evident Security Seals To A Carton
This labeling system is specifically designed to apply clear round tamper evident security seals around the top front edge of a carton to secure its contents. The clear seal is tamp/blow applied to the carton top without the applicator ever touching the carton. The seal is then plow folded around the carton top corner onto […]
Labeling Break Top Pharma Ampoules
This video is a demonstration of the small item labeling capability of the Robo Wrap System. This compact, table top designed labeling system is able to hold very small cylindrical items in close control so that accurate label placement is achieved consistently. Numerous options are available to customize this system for installation in pharmaceutical manufacturing […]
Labeling Pharma Vials Of Different Sizes
This video is a demonstration of the small item labeling capability of the Robo Wrap System. This compact, table top designed labeling system is able to hold small cylindrical vials in close control so that accurate label placement is achieved consistently. Numerous options are available to customize this system for installation in pharmaceutical manufacturing environments […]
Mini Wrap Beverage Bottle Labeler
Here it is applying pre-printed labels to traditional brown glass beverage bottles. The Mini Wrap is the perfect labeling system for low to medium volume labeling operations. It is also perfect for new startup companies that want to grow their production volume into the full use of such a labeling system by moving it in-line […]
Long Label Application Using A Mini Wrap Labeling System
This is another demonstration of the versatility of the Mini Wrap Labeling System. This video shows a 23″ long pre-printed label being wrap applied to a large plastic container with the Mini Wrap Labeling System. The Mini wrap is a highly versatile and economical labeling system that can be customized to a specific task or […]
Mini Wrap Labeling Larger Containers
This video is one of a series that we have posted showing the versatility of the Mini Wrap Labeling System. Be sure to view the others also. In this video, the system is applying pre-printed labels to large plastic cylindrical containers with the Large Frame version of the Mini Wrap System. This unit has a […]
Mini Wrap Labeling Square Glass Jars
This video is one of a series that we have posted showing the versatility of the Mini Wrap Labeling System. Be sure to view the others also. This video shows the system applying wrap labels to square glass jars. The Mini Wrap is designed to fill the gap between semi-automatic labeling machines and fully automatic […]
Mini Wrap Labeler Labeling Aerosol Cans
This video is one of a series that we have posted showing the versatility of the Mini Wrap Labeling System. Be sure to view the others also. This video shows the system applying wrap labels to metal aerosol cans. The Mini Wrap is designed to fill the gap between semi-automatic labeling machines and fully automatic […]
Labeling Machinery for Tapered Containers from Griffin-Rutgers
This label applicator is designed to wrap labels around tapered containers. The application requires that a “Banana cut” style label is used to match the taper of the container. We have overcome the label skew issue by partially pre-dispensing the label and finishing the application at
Labeling Systems: Features of the Re-Pack Three Panel Labeling Applicator
Labeling systems come in all shapes and sizes. The choice of which one is right for your company’s needs depends on a variety of factors. There are times when you can’t simply choose the most popular type, because your needs may be different than the next guy. After all, a company’s products and packages are often like snowflakes — no two are alike.
Labeling Systems: Features of the Re-Pack Table Top Tamp
As a kid, do you remember trying to get a square peg into a round hole? You sure were determined, weren’t you? For many companies, that’s what it feels like with certain package types. The truth is, not every item has the perfect shape and size to make labeling easy. Often, labeling systems are simply not designed for packages and labeling needs that are outside the “norm.”
3 Creative Ideas For A Unique Display Label
Product purveyors know that a display label is critical for attracting customers to an item on retail shelves. The label must stand out to get the necessary attention amongst all the other competitive products crammed in around, above, and below the product. That’s why it is well worth the time and effort to create a unique packaging label that draws attention and ultimately facilitates your product being selected above and beyond all others on the shelves. Here are a few tips and tricks on what to focus on to create a unique display label, which, of course, must also contain pertinent information like product information and pricing.
3 Automatic Label Applicators that You Should Consider for Your Products
Whether you are in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics business, or any other type of vertical market that requires a labeling system for front and back labels, top and bottom labeling or wrap systems, you could benefit from automatic label applicators for their ability to be flexible and highly productive relative to volume output.
Product Labeling: How to Safely Place a Label on Electronic Equipment
When it comes to product labeling, one particular type of product – electronic equipment—does require some care to ensure information is available to the consumer while also adhering to safety concerns. Here we offer some details on product labeling background and insights directly related to electronics.
3 Tips for Food Labeling on Glass Jars
When it comes to food labeling on glass jars, there are stringent requirements as to what must be included and how the information should be presented. Here are some tips that can provide a framework for optimizing food labeling strategies for those items that are packaged in glass jars. These guidelines are based around the regulatory framework of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Federal Trade Commission.
Medical Labeling: 3 Practices You Should Always Avoid
Great care must be taken with medical labeling in order to meet stringent requirements as well as to ensure the health and safety of consumers. There are industry best practices and then there are those practices that you should avoid entirely.
RFID and Barcode Labeling: Which is Better for Me?
Before there was RFID (also known as radio frequency identification) there was barcode labeling, but today’s technology advancements allow RFID and barcode to exist side by side in various industries, allowing companies to decide which one works best for their needs. While these are different tools that have distinct applications, there are still instances where they can be used together. To help you determine the best course of action for your own initiative, below is a list of key features and differences of RFID and barcode options.
How Smart Labels Technology Can Improve Your Business
Fast becoming one of the most popular technologies for the retail industry, smart labels are viewed as an ideal way to leverage greater efficiencies and profitability in your business. This blog post briefly describes this solution and why it could improve your business.
Designing a Display Label: 4 Elements to Consider
When it comes to a display label, there are some very specific elements that you must consider when creating a design that stands out on the shelf and garners the attention you are seeking from your target customer. Here are some important elements that you will want to consider in your design.
How to Design a Display Label for Your Product
As part of the marketing of your product, the display label is a mission-critical component that can help inspire—or deter—a purchase decision. A well designed and printed label can draw a prospective customer to the product and then convince them to buy based on what they see and read. There are multiple crucial elements that are involved in designing a display label that’s a true standout.
Food Labeling on Fruit: 5 Things to Consider
Even natural, perishable foods need to undertake rigorous food labeling when it is sold to consumers through grocery stores, markets, and other retail operations. Even if is obvious that the ingredient is a banana or an apple, there are some things to consider when it comes to food labeling on fruit.
What Must Be On A Food Label?
When it comes to the food industry relative to what must be on a food label, there are very specific guidelines that dictate decisions concerning food packaging and label design and production. The foremost entity that determines what must be on a food label is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as they are the governing body that enacts and enforces such decisions.
Medical Labeling: How to Place a Label on Blood Bags
One of the most delicate and risky types of medical labeling in the healthcare setting is that of labels that must be adhere to blood bags, including platelet samples and various types of blood components. There are many things to keep in mind when working with this type of specialized medical labeling as detailed below.
Medical Labeling: 5 Things You Need to Consider
When it comes to medical labeling, there are some specific points to consider relating to today’s more stringent regulatory environment ensuring health and safety remains paramount. To meet standards and also reduce liability exposure, here are five key things to remember when producing medical labeling:
RFID and Barcode Labeling: Is There a Difference Between the Two?
As technologies advance and merge, it can be harder to distinguish between seemingly similar types of product identification functions. Take for example RFID and barcode labels, which appear to be interchangeable terms in many ways. Not necessarily. Below is a list of differences between RFID and barcode labeling to provide a clearer picture about each process and how they are different even though they both help to track products and shipments.
Which Label System is Right for Your Business Needs?
Investing in a label system is not a decision to be made lightly; it deserves careful consideration as to how the machine will meet business needs now and in the future. With such a significant investment at stake, the label system has to provide a sizable return. Discerning which model is right for your operation can be challenging, but focusing on a few specific factors can make that decision easier and ensure it’s on target. Below are a few key factors to weigh when trying to ascertain which system is best.
Benefits of the Auto-Redundant Print & Apply Label System for Various Environments
Today’s label system manufacturers realize there is no longer a single design standard or operating procedure for printing environments. Instead, modern machines require functionality that can adapt to a wide range of environments, some harsh, while maintaining a high level of productivity.
Top Trends: 3 New Types of Labeling Equipment for Your Business
As applications and requirements for labeling continue to evolve, the industry continues to push the limits of technology to respond to these new trends by delivering new types of labeling equipment that help your business respond. This blog post briefly highlights three new types of labeling equipment machines that may prove beneficial if you’re seeking to expend your product line, increase production volume, or meet new stringent labeling requirements for the industries you serve.
4 Types of Vendor Evaluation for Labeling Equipment that will Help Improve Efficiency
Making the decision to purchase new labeling equipment that will help you meet enhanced efficiency goals cannot be achieved quickly or lightly; there is a lot to consider when it comes to finding the optimum solution. That’s why it pays to establish a set of vendor evaluation criteria, such as those listed below, to measure against when weighing labeling equipment suppliers.
How to Measure and Control Temperature with Monitoring Labels
Technology is bringing some pretty amazing problem solving solutions to market, including the advent of monitoring labels commonly associated with climate-sensitive products that must be kept at a certain temperature to maintain a product’s integrity. Below learn how monitoring labels can be used to measure and control temperature to improve cold chain management for applications like food and pharmaceuticals.
Industrial Labeling Systems: Printer and Applicator for Tight Spaces
Not every production line has enough available space to fit in all of the necessary equipment like a labeling system. But there are labelers available on today’s market that are designed to fit into those tight spaces. A good example of a label system suitable for smaller spaces is the corner wrap print and apply (label printer and applicator) system which can be found among the labelers now on the market.
Label System: Blow-on Label Applicator for Non-Contact Operation
For non-contact operation for certain label applications, you will need a label system that employs an alternative approach. A good example of such a label system is a blow-on label applicator that can offer you a wide range of features that facilitate non-contact operation, including promotional or spot labels.
Product Labeling 101: Learning the Basics
When it comes to product labeling, while there are synergies across some industries, many labeling functions are industry-specific depending upon the type of products that are being packaged. Because there is such a wide range of product labeling applications, there are a myriad of specialized machines in kind designed to handle specific and varied requirements relative to product shape, size, production speed, label substrates, shapes and designs, possibly data to be imprinted and volume of printing that is needed.
Print and Apply Labeling Systems: Look Out for These Red Flags
Maximizing your uptime with print and apply labeling system production is often the prime objective to ensure volume targets are met and avoid chinks in the supply chain. Toward this end, keeping equipment functioning at a peak level is mission critical. This makes it imperative to watch for signs that your print and apply labeling system may not be operating properly. If spotted early, the problems can be addressed immediately so the downtime is minimized.
Print and Apply Labeling Systems: Cost and Capabilities
When comparing print and apply labeling systems, two important facets to consider are cost and capabilities. These two mission-critical parameters will ascertain if the unit under consideration will fulfill your distinct business objectives while remaining within your targeted budget. Print and apply labeling systems are ideal for those environments where labels must be printed on pallets or shipping cases as well as primary packaging applications like those within the baking and snack industries. But, all are not created equal.
Which Model of Print and Apply Labeling Systems is Right for Your Business?
With a wide range of available print and apply labeling systems, you need to think carefully and weigh all of your options in order to select the model that is just right for your business. If you are not completely familiar with all of the capabilities of print and apply labeling systems, below we’ve provided a brief explanation to facilitate a fundamental understanding. Also below are key recommendations on a few available models relative to which works best for specific print and labeling needs.
3 Ways Griffin-Rutgers Can Help With the Choosing of a Labeling Machine
The choosing of a labeling machine is an important decision because you are making a significant technology investment and want to ensure that it will deliver on your performance expectations both short and long term. But, the choosing of a labeling machine does not have to be difficult. Here are three ways that Griffin-Rutgers can assist you with this critical capital equipment purchase decision:
How to Apply Labels for Glass Bottles
Labels for glass bottles abound amid a wide range of applications, including beer and wine bottles, food jars, beverage bottles and storage bottles. These often require variable data and may need to have numerous colors and sizes with unique designs and specific printing needs. After all, many of these products rely on labels for glass bottles to make an impact on the consumer and inspire purchase with crisp, easy-to-read, and attractive graphics and text.
Inkjet Printers for Date Labeling: Cardboard/Plastic
When it comes to cardboard and plastic products, it imperative to select the proper combinations of inkjet printers and ink type for date labeling that can effectively work with these types of mediums and produce high-quality output for each and every item on the line. To ease and expedite your printer procurement process, here we’ve compiled a list of top inkjet printers for date labeling known to work well with cardboard and plastic packaging.
Labeling Systems: Which One Suits Your Needs?
With so many different types of labelers available in today’s marketplace – and with some companies offering more than forty different models of labeling systems – it can be difficult to know which unit suits your particular need. However, if you are going to make an investment in one of these labeling systems, you need to know fundamental pieces of information for both your current needs and those forecasted in the months and years ahead. This includes what material you will be labeling, the shape of the product and how many units need to be produced in a given timeframe to help determine the speed at which the machine must perform.
How Buying a New Label Printing Machine Can Help Your Business
Making any expenditure on new capital equipment like a new label printers must always be carefully vetted in terms of the potential return on investment. After all, a label printing machine will be an integral part of the operation for years to come, making it a piece of technology you want to ensure will stand the test of time and do its part to facilitate the company’s profitability. And, with this initiative, sooner is always better as there are multiple ways such a piece of equipment can be a business booster in terms of productivity, quality, and cost savings.
Top and Bottom Labeling Systems Defined
If you’ve ever wondered “what is a top and bottom labeling system and what is it used for?”, then you’re not alone. Here are some answers to clarify the confusion.
How to Go About Choosing a Labeling Machine
Finding a labeling machine to suit your specific needs won’t be a problem if you know what to look for when considering your options. The ongoing technology advancements have led to a wide range of very versatile labeling machine choices in today’s marketplace. For instance, today a new labeling machine may come with software that allows you customize labels of many types with special lettering, colors, and graphics.
How to Choose Case Labelers to Fit Your Company’s Needs
Before purchasing a major piece of case labeling equipment for your company, you want to make sure that a particular brand and model will help you achieve your operational and quality objectives within your intended budget. That’s why it is important to first establish all of your business needs and desires, so you can cross reference equipment features and benefits that are the most mission-critical to your business. It is within this framework that a wise purchasing decision is made for case labelers.
Case Labelers: Important Attributes to Consider
Sometimes, cases include a lot of variable data, depending on the industry or application. There can be addresses, nutritional information, bar codes, lot numbers, product identification, etc. Case labelers are a great strategy to not only save money, but they can also help to reduce the space it takes to produce custom printed cases. Instead, blank cases can be selected for different products and then labeled with variable information on an on-demand basis.